4065 E University Dr #500, Mesa, AZ 85205

6 Hacks for Keeping Track of Your Car Keys

6 Hacks for Keeping Track of Your Car Keys

We’ve all been there before: We’re already running late for work, and we’ve made a mad dash to grab our coffee, wallet, and lunch, and now we can’t find our keys anywhere. We end up coming in 20 or 30 minutes later all because we couldn’t remember that we left our keys on the bedside table, or we didn’t realize they fell down behind a couch cushion. Worse – when we get all the way to the car and realize we already locked the door behind us and the keys are likely still inside.

You can avoid meeting this fate ever again if you take a few proactive steps. Here are 6 hacks that can help you keep track of your car keys and ensure that you always have a way back into your car:

Put Them in the Same Place

Get in the habit of putting your keys away in the same place every day, and it will become automatic for you to put them there and to look for them there any time you need them. A great option is a hook that you hang near the door. They won’t fall off, and they won’t be in reach of the kids. You can also put them in a small dish that you keep on a side table.

Consistency is crucial. If you only put your keys there sometimes, you won’t build the habit, and that leaves open the possibility that you will leave your keys somewhere else and lose them.

Use Cool Key Chains

Your keys are going to be a lot easier to find if they have a giant foam finger attached to them. Though you don’t have to go that big or tacky with your key chains for them to be effective. Using a fun keychain that gets notice will help you ID your keys if they have fallen on the ground or into some other space where they shouldn’t be.

Using unique key chains will also reduce the possibility that you will confuse your keys with someone else’s, which can result in both of you losing your keys.

Use Technology

Technology is available to help us do just about anything these days, and that goes for keeping track of your keys also. There are gadgets that you can attach to your keys that will make a sound to let you know where they are. Some can even plug into your smart phone so that you can track them on an app.

Search for different technology to find a solution that’s best for your needs and habits.

Set a Reminder

Sometimes you just forget your keys at home. You can set a reminder for yourself so that you never forget them again. Write a sticky note and put it on a wall where you will see it when you leave, or program a reminder into your phone. Tell yourself not only to grab your keys, but also where you left them. You’ll be sure to leave every morning on time with keys in hand.

Have Spare Keys Ready

You’ve searched all over, and you just can’t find your keys. You know that you should have put them in a regular spot or written yourself a note, but you just didn’t. And you don’t have any cool tracers on your keys. So what do you do?

If you have a set of spare keys ready, you can use those and continue the search when you aren’t in such a time crunch. Put the keys where you can easily access them inside or outside your house. You should also consider leaving a spare set with a trusted friend so you can get into your car if you are ever locked out when you are away from home.

Have a Locksmith on Standby

Sometimes, no matter what precautions you take, you can still lose your keys or you can have your key and find that it’s not working. You should have the number of a reliable locksmith in Mesa on standby. That way, you can have a professional make you a new key or fob quickly, and you can get on your way. You won’t be stranded in the Arizona heat, and you won’t be (too) late for work or your next appointment.

U.S. Key Service can get you going quickly if you have lost your keys or you have been locked out of your vehicle. We are a mobile auto locksmith, and we can meet you anywhere in Mesa or the surrounding area. We can make keys for all makes and models, including programmable keys and fobs. We also perform car door lock repair, car ignition repair, and more. Call us in Mesa to get an auto locksmith when you need one.

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US Key Service

US Key Service

4065 E University Dr #500
Mesa, AZ 85205

Phone: 480-983-6149

Web: uskeyservice.com

Thomas Thilgen

In 2007, Tom moved to Phoenix and created US Key Service. Later that year Tom was awarded a contract with Arizona Auto Club to provide it’s members with lockout and locksmith service. Learn more about Tom and US Key Service by clicking here