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The New Multitude of Car Keys in Mesa, Arizona

The New Multitude of Car Keys in Mesa, Arizona

Today’s car keys have gone high-tech. Most car keys aren’t just cut from a simple piece of metal. They have computer chips and other technology that matches them to your specific car, adding a level of security to protect your investment. However, the advanced key technology also makes it harder when you need to get a key replacement.

Fortunately, you can call a Mesa mobile auto locksmith at U.S. Key Service to replace any kind of key you need for your car. Here are a few of the popular car key styles you might encounter in Mesa:

The New Multitude of Car Keys in Mesa, Arizona
Here are a few of the popular car key styles you might encounter in Mesa!
Mesa, Arizona

Laser-Cut Key

A laser-cut key, unlike as its name suggests, is not cut by a laser, but by a piece of machinery. This machine is very unique and ensures that the wavy groove is cut in a constant depth.

Laser-cut keys are often called internal cut keys because they feature a cut running the length of the key.

Laser-cut keys are also called sidewinder keys because they have a wavy shaped edge instead of just ragged notches. They are often cut the same way on both sides which allows them to work no matter which way they are inserted into the lock.

You can’t get a laser-cut key made at a hardware store. You have to visit either a dealership or an auto locksmith. However, a locksmith will do the work much cheaper than a dealership will. For mobile car key making, US Key Service can help.

Transponder Key

A transponder key features a microchip that is programmed specifically for your car. The car is armed with an immobiliser, and the chip in the transponder key disarms it. If the car does not detect the chip, the engine will turn over, but it will not start. That means that thieves can create a copy of the key, but they won’t be able to start the car or move it.


A VATS key or vehicle anti-theft system key has a resistor embedded in the key blade. This resistor pellet needs to match the car’s anti theft system. With 15 different resistor values you have to know which one is a match for the car you are working on. This may take some time, but your automotive locksmith can get you back on the road fairly quickly.

Smart Key

A smart key doesn’t look much like a key at all. It is a fob that contains a programmed chip that the car detects. You don’t even have to pull the fob out of your pocket or your bag to unlock or lock the car door or the trunk or to start the car. So long as the fob is in range, you just have to hit a button to gain access or to start up the engine.

Without the smart key, the car will alert the driver generally by with a warning light on the dashl that the fob is not in or near the car.


Valet Key

A valet key is a secondary key that comes with some automobiles to provide an extra layer of security when you are using a valet service. The key will open the driver’s side door of the car and will start the engine, but it will not unlock the trunk or the glove box. You can store your valuables, such as your cell phone, wallet, or extra money in the trunk or glove box without worrying about losing them to sticky fingers.

Most of today’s car keys feature technology that requires expertise to replicate. If you need a key replacement of any kind, the mobile auto locksmiths at U.S. Key Service can help you.

We can cut keys on the spot, helping you get back into your vehicle if you’ve been locked out, and we can create replacement keys to have on backup in case of emergency, replace worn out car locks in the Mesa Riverview area, and can even take care of vehicle ignition replacements. With our mobile auto locksmith services in 85208, you can make sure you are never stranded again. We respond quickly, and we’ll get you back on the road as quickly as possible.

Published by:

US Key Service

Thomas Thilgen

In 2007, Tom moved to Phoenix and created US Key Service. Later that year Tom was awarded a contract with Arizona Auto Club to provide it’s members with lockout and locksmith service. Learn more about Tom and US Key Service by clicking here