4065 E University Dr #500, Mesa, AZ 85205

The Ultimate Guide to Keyless Entry Cars

The Ultimate Guide to Keyless Entry Cars

Keyless entry cars are a fantastic invention for those living in both cold weather and hot weather areas. They are growing in popularity and can easily be found in any Gilbert auto locksmith store. As a highly-rated Gilbert car locksmith providing Gilbert emergency car locksmith services and Gilbert car door lock repair, US Key Service specializes in a wide range of key repairs and amenities. Keyless entry and transponder keys are a large part of what our technicians work with on a regular basis, and we are happy to be able to provide you with a guide to the basics of this modern technology.


Unfortunately, car keys often get lost or locked into their cars. Thankfully, the technology on a remote key will not allow it to be locked into your vehicle. However, if you have misplaced your remote key and can no longer enter your vehicle, it is time to call a Gilbert mobile auto locksmith specializing in Gilbert car lockout services such as US Key Service.

We can quickly replace lost Gilbert car keys in the event that you never find your original, to help get you on your way without too much delay. Our technicians can easily produce a blank key matching your car locks, and will then program a transponder key to work with all the car systems such as the alarm or trunk.


Over time, the transponder key will eventually wear out and become unreliable. If this happens, you may possibly be able to program a new key yourself using instructions provided with your vehicle.

However, US Key Service is trained to replace worn out car locks in Gilbert as well as shabby remote keys, and can quickly get you on your way with a newly programmed key. Our experts will do this much more efficiently than if you attempt the process yourself, so we recommend leaving it to us to avoid creating more frustration for your day.


If you purchase a new or used vehicle and are wondering if keyless entry is an option for you, there is a way to test it yourself to find out. Try copying a blank key, then testing it in the ignition. If all the locks work but not the ignition, it is possible you will need to find a technician to repair a worn out car ignition around the valley. However, it is more likely that your new vehicle needs a properly programmed remote key. Another way to check is by looking at the wider area at the top of your car key – if there is a plastic exterior on it, you can be almost certain that keyless entry is one of its functions.

Of course, it is always an option to simply bring the key to a five-star key service technician to be examined. They are expertly trained and will quickly determine what type of key you have for your vehicle.


Having a second remote key can be a huge advantage. While you can certainly try to program a second key using the functioning first one, it is likely the car’s security system will not allow you to do so. Check in with your local Gilbert key service to determine if this is a possibility for you.


When you go to a certified automotive key cutter to purchase another transponder key for your vehicle, you can expect to be asked for your license and registration. This is simply a security check to verify that you are the actual person who owns the vehicle. Depending where you go, you will need to wait for a new key to be mailed to you. However, US Key Service has blanks available and can send you home with a brand new key the same day (provided you show the required documents).


If your transponder key becomes unreliable or stops working altogether, it is worth replacing the battery’s remote to see if that was the problem. If the remote key still does not work, it likely means the technologic components inside the key have been damaged, requiring you to purchase a whole new remote key.

US Key Service is a local, family-owned business that has been serving the Phoenix area for many years. Our technicians are highly trained and skilled in all types of key services including lockouts, replacing keys, programming new keys, and so much more. If you have any questions regarding your keyless entry remote, need help replacing batteries or programming a new one, or are wondering if keyless entry is an option for you, come to US Key Service to speak with a technician. We look forward to working with you!

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US Key Service

US Key Service

4065 E University Dr #500
Mesa, AZ 85205

Phone: 480-983-6149

Web: uskeyservice.com

Thomas Thilgen

In 2007, Tom moved to Phoenix and created US Key Service. Later that year Tom was awarded a contract with Arizona Auto Club to provide it’s members with lockout and locksmith service. Learn more about Tom and US Key Service by clicking here